chopin concert

? The Chopin Concerts can date back to1959, are one of the oldest music events in the capital city and draw thousands of residents and tourists. Every summer, people come to Łazienki Park gathering around the statue of Frederic Chopin and enjoying the outdoor recitals performed by the finest Polish pianists for free. People like siting on benches or on the grass to enjoy music and relax.

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, this year’s 61st Season of Chopin Concerts in Warsaw’s Łazienki Park will not be held by Chopin’s monument. Starting from May 17th, they will be held online for the first time ever. The recitals will be recorded at the Old Orangery in the Royal Łazienki and post on Facebook and YouTube, as well as the Royal Łazienki Museum’s website. But the good news is, you can enjoy Chopin concert in the Internet anywhere in the world.

The inaugural concert was given by Karol Radziwonowicz, a distinguished pianist who has been performing in the world’s most important music halls for many years. The next installments of the series include outstanding Polish pianists, such as Aleksandra Świgut, Bronisława Kawalla, Piotr Pawlak, Joanna Ławrynowicz, Jacek Kortus and Maria Gabryś-Heyke.

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Picture source: Warszawa Chopina Project